
    Starting in Cloud Retailer version 2.8.6 we have added features to allow retailers to disable certain methods of Credit Card entry. This allows a user of Cloud Retailer to, for example, disable Swipe entry methods to avoid the potential to pay non-EMV compliance when processing unsupported cards.  See the end of this article about an enhancement to this interface.


There are 2 means by which to control the status of various Credit Card Entry Methods - they can be set on a per Device basis, or you can configure a button to allow you to swap the status of a given payment entry method on or off as your business needs require. We'll cover both methods below, start setting this on a per-device basis.

Disable Credit Card Entry per Device
  1. Log into the back office
  2. Navagate to the register list in the back office by clicking on Admin -> Device / register list
  3. Locate the register that you want to change in the list, select it and click on the Edit selected register(s) button in the upper right corner
  4. Scoll down until you see Credit Card Entry Mode:
  5. From the dropdown select object:
  6. After selecting object the following dropdowns will appear
  7. Change the appropriate dropdowns to false, in this case Allow Chip.
  8. Click on Save in the upper right
  9. Go to your register, click on the last sync time to confirm that the change has been downloaded to the register.
  10. Restart Cloud Retailer.
  11. Test a credit card transaction and confirm that the chip reader will no longer accept payments.

Configure a Button to change the status of an Entry Method
While we understand the security needs may dictate disabling manual entry more often or not, we also find some customers need to be able to process manual entry, but they would prefer to have a Manager's approval or collect supplemental identification from the customer to ensure the transaction is not fraudulent.
  • Navigate to the task pad you'd like to add the buttons to. We recommend putting this on the Manager Task pad if you require specific people to process these transactions. (Admin > Taskpads)
  • Typically, you will want 2 buttons for each payment method you're changing - in this example, we will make 1 to enable manual entry and 1 to disable it.
  • Create the On/Off buttons:
    1. Select an available button on the task pad in question.
    2. Set the desired text of the button (eg: Manual Entry OFF)
    3. In the command box, type Manage - the system will auto-complete this command for you from there.
    4. In the Command Parameter box below the command box, please copy and paste the bold test in place; {Command = ExtData Credit Card Entry Mode = {AllowManual: 1, AllowSwipe: 1, AllowChip: 1, AllowContactLess: 1}}
    5. Make a second button and set the desired text. (eg: Manual Entry OFF)
    6. Set any required permissions for this button by removing the check from the role in the "Available for Roles" section of the Taskpad config
    7. Repeat steps 2-6 to create an OFF button.
    8. Repeat additional steps 2-6 for any other payment entry methods.
  • Testing
    1. To ensure you've successfully disabled the payment entry method, with it disabled, attempt a test sale transaction from your POS.
    2. If you've created buttons, ensure both the On and the Off work as expected (For example, make sure that with AllowManual:0 you can't manually enter the card number) 
This video will also help explain what is covered in the above section:

We can also setup a single button to enable the Manual Entry and Disable it back automatically once the transaction is done.

Please set the Command to Sales: Compose and paste all the command below in the parameter.

Sales: Compose
"Parameter":"{'Command': 'EXTDATA', 'CreditCardEntryMode': '{AllowManual: 1, AllowSwipe: 1, AllowChip: 1, AllowContactLess: 1}', 'DisplayMessage': 'Test'}"
"Parameter":"{'PaymentCode': 'CC', 'Amount': ActiveTransaction.Total, 'ForceValidatePayment': true}"
"Parameter":"{'Command': 'EXTDATA', 'CreditCardEntryMode': '{AllowManual: 0, AllowSwipe: 1, AllowChip: 1, AllowContactLess: 1}'}"

In older versions of Cloud Retailer follow the below instructions

  1. Navigate to the Cloud Retailer Device Page (Admin > Device / Register List)
  2. Edit the desired device by double-clicking it.
  3. On the subsequent page, find the Section called Credit Card Entry Mode. Copy the text in bold exactly and paste it into this field. {AllowManual: 0, AllowSwipe: 0, AllowChip: 1, AllowContactLess: 1}
  4. The above settings will configure your system to disable Manual Entry and Swipe but leave EMV and Contactless / NFC payment entry methods enabled. If you wish to disable an enabled method, change the 1 to a 0. If you want to enable a disabled method, replace the 0 with a 1.
  5. Once you have made your changes, save the device configuration.
  6. Sync your POS to ensure the update has downloaded. 
  7. After the sync is complete, exit Cloud Retailer and then re-launch it anew. Once the POS starts, run a test transaction and confirm the entry method is not allowed. You should get a message similar to the screenshot below.

Here is a video showing the above instructions: